Probably, no matter what woman you ask today, she will answer you that she knows how to cook pizza and even so that everyone just licks their fingers! And, of course, each of them is sure that her pizza is prepared according to the most correct recipe. But, of course, each of them has their own pizza recipe and not every one of these recipes is correct. Therefore, we decided to teach you in this article how to cook not only real, but also very tasty pizza.
First you need to prepare the base for the pizza – the dough. You can use for it either ready-made dough (which is desirable, because in this way you are freed from unnecessary work, namely, from preparing dough as well) or cook it yourself. The pizza base, that is, the dough, needs to be baked separately, but not completely immediately, because then you will have to put it on fire a second time – already with the filling.
That’s just what concerns the filling – you don’t need to put all the products that you found in the refrigerator there, as many do. After all, pizza is also a special type of dish where you need to put certain ingredients. And that’s exactly what you need for pizza: fresh cheese (what would pizza be without it?), sausage, champignons, tomatoes and herbs for seasoning, like parsley or basil.
First of all, you need to put sausage on the pizza base. Cut it into round pieces, but if they turn out to be very large, then you can cut them into several pieces. Do not make several layers of sausage – one is enough.
Next, move on to mushrooms and tomatoes. Tomatoes, like sausage, cut into thin slices and put in one layer, then champignons, which must be cut before laying out.
Well, your pizza is almost ready and coming to the end of its preparation. But there’s still a little left: sprinkle the pizza with grated cheese and chopped basil or parsley. You don’t need a lot of cheese – you don’t need to fill it with pizza so that only one layer of cheese is visible on it. After the cheese, sprinkle some herbs on the pizza for flavor.
And finally, it’s time to put the almost cooked pizza on the fire. Usually pizza is cooked in a special oven, but you can also use an ordinary oven for this. Put the pizza there for no more than 25-30 minutes – remember that the base is almost ready, otherwise it may simply burn out later.
Well, now that you have already taken the pizza out of the oven and you can finally enjoy its crispy crust and excellent taste, we can only tell you one thing: “Bon appetit!».
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