Raising a small child is always associated with various difficulties and, of course, joys that make you feel like good parents.
When the baby is still small, rattles and soft cubes scattered by him seem like minor troubles compared to when you have to clean the children’s room, in which after 3-4 years there are 10 times more toys, books and supplies for early development. It was then that the mother begins to demand that the child put things in order on his own and most often encounters a stubborn refusal and sincere surprise of the crumbs. He simply cannot understand why his mother, who dutifully cleaned his room all this time, dressed him, and fed from the spoon begins to demand independence from him in these matters.
How to accustom a child to accuracy
In fact, the child is right, because accustoming to neat behavior and independent maintenance should begin when the child is not even a year old, it is then that the kids are best made in contact and absorb all new knowledge and skills as a sponge. And by 3-4 years they can already, quite carefully eat, fasten the jacket and remove things and toys in their room, not even expecting a reminder.
You need to start small, while feeding the child of mashed potatoes or porridge, you must definitely give him a spoon in his hand, let him first be smeared himself, turn the plate and feed his mother porridge. But after a few feedings of the fall of food on the floor, the kitchen will be cleaner and the child will glow happiness from the fact that he can put a spoon in his mouth.
How to accustom a child to accuracy
In addition to feeding, you need to teach the child to put on and remove things himself, at the beginning the buttons are not amenable to, and the knot on the scarf is not untied, but soon the fingers will become stronger, and the matter will go much faster. The main thing at this stage is not to rush the child, not to do his job, otherwise he will lose interest and get used to it that they help him. You also need to buy things mainly with Velcro and light lightning, so that in a place where there will be many children (for example, in kindergarten), the child could quickly dress without outside help.
To accustom the child to clean up in his room, you need to show a decent example. Of course, it will be fair that order reigns in the rest of the rooms, otherwise accustoming may drag on. Even the one -year -old baby will be able to take toys in a special box and collect all the books on the shelf, first his mother can help him, but subsequently she needs to eliminate and provide the child with freedom in terms of cleaning her room.
Starting from an early age, it is much easier to accustom the child to accuracy and subsequently you can get a wonderful assistant who will not only take out the garbage, but also prepare dinner in anticipation of parents from work.
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