As a rule, after returning from a maternity hospital, young mothers experience great stress associated with a sharp change in the usual regime of the day. Especially acutely stress is manifested in those women who have become mothers for the first time – it is difficult for them to understand how to correctly draw up the daily routine for their baby and, most importantly, how to accustom the child to the regime. This problem is especially relevant when the child is turbulent – then it can simply be once a bite to a mother, because she simply is forced to be next to her baby so that he does not cry. But such behavior, of course, is not a way out, and, as a rule, leads to the chronic fatigue of the mother, which can adversely affect her health. There is only one way out of this situation – to try to accustom the baby to the daily routine. Let’s see how this can be done.
First of all, a young mother should calm down and start keeping a diary, where to write down the time when the child falls asleep, when he eats and when he is awake. After a while, after analyzing your notes, you will see how much time your baby sleeps, and at what time he falls asleep well, after how many hours he asks for breasts, and at what hours he prefers to be awake. Based on this, try to create an approximate daily routine that will help you find time to relax.
When your baby is six months old and begins to distinguish between day and night, try to avoid loud noises and bright lights at night, no matter what happens – the baby should get used to not being played with at this time. No matter how hard it is at the beginning, do not back down from this rule – and soon you and your family will have a calm night dream.
When your child is 2-3 years old, the daily routine will need to be adjusted, because in the life of your offspring there have already been large changes. He no longer asks to eat at night, he sleeps only once and, most likely, you are already thinking about the fact that you will soon lead him to kindergarten. If your child was accustomed to the regime of the house, then it will be easier for him to adapt to the daily routine in kindergarten, which is good for the kindergarten.
If you were not able to accustom your offspring to the daily routine, now it has come exactly the time when it should be done.
Gradually teach the baby to go to bed and get up in the morning at the same time. It will not be difficult to do if a child who is used to falling asleep very late, wake up in the morning earlier than usual. Children’s psychologists do not advise reducing the time of children’s daytime sleep, otherwise the child will be capricious the whole afternoon.
If you have already decided what kind of kindergarten your heir will soon go, find out the mode of the day that is accepted there, and try to accustom the child to him.
In order for the baby to go to bed without whims, accustom him to a certain ritual that will insist him on sleep. For example, before going to bed, you and your child put away toys, he brushes his teeth or you bathe the child, he goes to bed, and you tell him a story or read his favorite book.
It is equally important to accustom the child not only to the rest regimen, but also to the eating regimen. So that the baby always eats with appetite, do not allow him to snack on sweets between meals.
It is also advisable to go for a walk with the child at the same time. The only thing that can interfere with this rule is bad weather or a child not feeling well.
Of course, it will be easier for the baby to get used to performing certain actions at about the same time if this is expressed in a playful way. So, for example, the main actions that your heir always performs during the day can be written on chamomile petals. When the next action is performed, the child breaks the sheet and glorifies him into his album with you. So the child will have an incentive to perform all actions and collect all the flower petals at the end of the day.
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