Using a natural stone on a personal plot as a decorative element, you thereby create a truly “paradise” corner for relaxation. But, unfortunately, natural material is not cheap, and not every owner can afford.
But you can create beauty by imitation of natural stone, which will cost much cheaper. And what is characteristic, tiles under the natural stone can be poured independently, on the personal plot. To do this, just get special forms of plastic.
Formwork (which is the plastic form) will allow to cast at once 9 elements of the tile “under the stone”. Each of the nine plates obtained has its own, unique configuration. Therefore, the equipped garden paths made of artificial stone can have a lot of variations, which allows you to create a feeling of naturalness.
To make it more convenient to work, creating garden paths made of artificial stone, it is best to use 2 plastic forms. They do not require special skills in use. These are ordinary stencils, which are installed directly at the place of laying a stone path.
First you need to mark the site in order to determine the direction of direction, bends, lengths and width of the track. Having set the stencil in the right place, it is filled with a special construction mixture (read – concrete) of the necessary consistency. Having filled one stencil, proceed to laying another.
Giving the opportunity to grab concrete in the first formwork, carefully remove the stencil and transfer it to the next section, again filling it with concrete. And so move along the entire track, alternately extracting, then filling the formwork with the construction composition.
As you can see, everything is easy and simple. The main thing is that there is a desire to do something with your own hands. But you will have, for the envy of others, the real original “stone” garden path. And what is this imitation – only you will know.
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