How to make handmade soap soap soap (recipe)

The preparation of exclusive handmade soap is a very fashionable modern hobby, which is popular all over the world. In order to make such soap with your own hands, you need to stock up on, interesting ideas, as well as ordinary store soap. It is especially popular as the initial raw materials soap for children, however, toilet and even household can also be used successfully.

In order to prepare exclusive soap, the following components are necessary:

A piece of soap bought in the store

Milk (1 cup)

Sugar (2 tablespoons)

Additional caring oils (sea buckthorn, grape seed, apricot seed, shi, jojoba)



Dye (food in the form of a gel, or powder, powder dyes must be pre -diluted in alcohol).

Additional components (ground coffee, oatmeal, dry flowers, etc.e)


Next, you need to prepare the workplace and tools:

Two pots of larger and smaller volume, with their help it is necessary to make a water bath, on which soap will be cooked.


Soap forms (this may not be real forms designed for the manufacture of soap, instead of them you can successfully use children’s sand molds, or food containers).

A bottle with a spray gun in which you need to pour alcohol.

When everything is ready, you can start making your own unique soap according to the original recipe:

A piece of store soap needs to be chopped, it is better to grate it as smaller, and then additionally chop it with a knife.

A glass of milk must be warmed up and poured into chopped soap. In the event that initially the weight of the soap was 200 grams, you can immediately pour the entire glass, if the weight of the soap is 100 grams, half a glass will be enough.

Soap chips with milk need to be allowed to stand for about 30 minutes, then the mass must be put in a water bath.

After several minutes spent in a water bath, the soap will begin to melt in order to accelerate this process, you need to carefully pour sugar into the mass and add honey (of course, if there is no allergy to this component).

Further, oils are neatly poured into the soap mass, which has already managed to melt, the number of which should be no more than 1 tablespoon. If the oil in the soap is added more than necessary, unaesthetic oil drops will appear on the surface of the soap when drying, which, although they will not affect the properties of the product, will significantly spoil its appearance.

When the soap became quite plastic and liquid, the dye is added to it. It is not necessary to immediately paint the entire mass in one color, you can divide it into several portions, and each of them give a certain color. This will create an interesting option for the coloring of soap, and also give spaciousness for imagination.

The last fragrance is introduced into the mass, the role of which can be performed by essential oils, perfume fragrances, food flavors and even favorite perfumes. It is important to choose the right combination of aromas when using essential oils, as well as remember their properties.

In the case of using additional components, they are also introduced immediately before the soap will be spilled in forms. It is important to remember that additions with the effect of scrub (for example, ground coffee, or oatmeal) should be small, since a large scrub is harmful to the skin and can injure it.

Further, the soap is spilled in shape.

In order to prevent unattractive bubbles from remaining on the surface of the soap, you need to sprinkle it with alcohol.

After that, leave the soap until completely dry.

After an hour you can take out the finished soap. In the case of using the plastic shape for the sandbox, it can be difficult to remove, in this case you need to put the shape for several minutes in the freezer of the refrigerator, after which it will be easy to remove the product.

In accordance with such technology, varying the color and composition, you can create an appropriate skin of the skin, as well as the wishes of a person, soap of the original design, which will become the only one in the world and will allow you to be proud of your own needlework and the ability to turn the usual into something special and interesting.