Making handmade soap from a specially created material – soap base – this is an interesting process. Working with the basis is so simple that even a child can be captivated, while the soap turns out to be high -quality, beautiful, and also very useful for the skin. Its properties can be changed by adding some special components, which is very convenient.
To create such soap, the following components will be required:
The basis for the preparation of soap
Oils that enrich the soap base and give soap the basic properties.
Dyes (natural, food, or cosmetic).
Flavors (food, perfume, oil).
Tara for melting the base (container for a microwave, or pots for a water bath).
Sharp knife
Alcohol (in the spray gun)
Additions (natural, or cosmetic, dried flowers, etc.e)
The technology for making soap is as follows:
The soap base must be cut into parts, the smaller the base is chopped, the easier and faster it will melt it.
Further, pieces of the base are placed in a melting container. It is most convenient to melt the base in the microwave, however, in its absence, you can use a regular water bath. During the melting of the base, it is worth carefully monitoring its condition and in the presence of a large number of unwashed lumps, stirring, boiling the base is unacceptable, its consequence will be the appearance of a large number of bubbles in soap, which will no longer be eliminated.
After the base is melted, oils are added to it. Solid oils are introduced to warm molten, but not boiling, liquid oils are introduced warmly and stirred at the base of a wooden stick. When using the basis, transparent in appearance, you need to remember that an excess of oils will make it muddy. Fundamentals, depending on the technology of production and the manufacturer, have different compositions, which is why some of them perfectly take even a large number of oils, and some do not. As a rule, even several oils are well taken by the foundation produced in England, as well as Germany, the basis produced in Russia, already has a large number of oils, which is why this component can only be introduced into it in the amount of a few drops.
Further, additional components are introduced into the enriched basis. In the event that soap consisting of several layers is supposed to be divided into parts and add additions to only one of the parts.
After that, the base is tinted. In the case of using food, or cosmetic powder dyes, it is important not to pour them directly, but to pre -mix with water and grind until the complete elimination of lumps and large fragments, which can spoil the general type of soap.
Further, the basis must be given aroma. Since the basis, unlike the finished soap, has no its own smell, it is easy to arom, 5 drops of the food flavor and 2 drops of cosmetic per 100 grams are enough. Use the oil flavor (ethers) must be used even more, more than 5 drops per 100 grams of soap should not be used, as this can provoke an allergic reaction.
After the base is enriched, complemented by color and aroma, it is necessary to give it a certain shape, for this it needs to be poured into pre -prepared containers, cans, or molds.
In order to prevent bubbles from appearing on the soap, its surface is sprayed with alcohol.
It is very important to place forms with hardening soap on a flat surface and no longer move them, since movement can provoke the appearance of strips on the surface of the soap.
The base can harden unevenly, and, for example, faster at the top and bottom, so it is worth maintaining the shape until completely solidified and only after that remove the product, which must then be dried within 1-2 days. Additional drying is not mandatory, but with its help it is possible to extend the period of use of soap.
Such an uncomplicated soap preparation technology makes the process especially interesting and simple. It is very important to consider the features of each of the foundations, as well as their unique properties in working with the material.
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