How to make homemade masks for fast hair growth

The problem with slow hair growth is familiar to so many girls. Unfortunately, having tried a bunch of expensive and cheap store masks, my result practically reached zero, I was very worried about this issue until one time my grandmother advised me several folk remedies and I decided to try them, since there were no harmful components in them. And after a month, my hair grew significantly, and at the same time, a minimum of money and time was spent on everything. Here are some of them I think after trying these masks everyone will be very pleased with the result.

And so, the first mask “Mustard”

To prepare it, we need dry mustard (you can buy a pharmacy or a spice store), oil (olive, vegetable), the yolk of one small egg, sugar and warm water. In a glass container, put two tablespoons of mustard with a slide, yolk, oil, one tablespoon of water at room temperature, about 2 tablespoons and two tablespoons of sugar, mix everything well so that there are no lumps and apply to the hair roots (carefully so as not to get on the tips, we can burn them or apply oil to the tips in advance).

How to make homemade masks for fast hair growth

When the mask is applied, we put on a plastic bag and wrap our head with something warm, I used a hat and walk like this for at least 30 minutes, a maximum of one hour. This mask can burn, but it’s not scary, but if it burns strongly, which is not possible to hold, then remove the mask so as not to bake the scalp. Next time just need to reduce the amount

sugar, the more it is, the stronger it will burn. This mask can be used twice a month, in a month you will see the result, your hair will grow by 3-5 centimeters, moreover, the hairs themselves become stronger and less oily. After removing the mask, rinse thoroughly with warm water and shampoo my hair.

Mask “Honey”

To prepare this mask, we take one yolk, a spoonful of honey and half a dessert spoon of onion juice, mix everything well and apply the hair roots, and then distribute the remaining mixture along the entire length. The head should be wrapped with a plastic bag and a towel or something warm and kept for one hour. After that, we remove the film and a scarf and wash my head with warm water, when we rinse our head for the last time, then you need to add one dessert spoon of freshly squeezed lemon juice to the water. The mask can be used once every two weeks.

onion tincture

For 200 ml of water we take 30-50 grams of onion peel and cook for 15-20 minutes on fire, then turn off, cover with a towel and let it brew for half an hour.

How to make homemade masks for fast hair growth

The resulting tincture is poured onto clean and dry hair, then dried naturally.

I used such very effective masks and after half a year my hair grew very noticeably, became more elastic and does not become greasy so quickly. It is also worth remembering that for good hair growth you need to use vitamins, and onions also help to strengthen hair very well.