Walls and furniture

The choice of color scheme and the necessary materials is greatly dependent on the style and the mood that we strive to get in our room.

For example, a room, with design in oriental style, is best decorated with warm, “caramel” flowers. If the choice is made towards the style of close minimalism, it will be good to use cold colors that will express the simplicity of minimalism and emphasize the coldness of the Hi-Tech style.

The interior, which is designed in the style of country, requires only sunny and light tones. And for modern, you can choose almost any color you like, the most important thing is that there is compliance with other elements of the interior of the apartment.

Before making a choice of some specific color, you need to imagine what your sensations will be in this apartment. For example, so that your apartment is more “alive” and that it put you on exploits, you do not need to be afraid, select bright colors. However, you do not need to paint the whole room, some kind of pile of “bright spots” will be quite enough. No need to fill out the entire room, using in interior design, a common palette.

To get peace and rest, you should not choose rather bright colors, and red is generally contraindicated. The best choice for you will be moderate colors with “milk content” in their structure.

Always remember your individual characteristics. For example, if you are engaged in creativity, then the use of purple and other bright spots in the design of purple and other bright spots will help your creativity, their competent combination will act especially favorably. Dark tones make the room darker.

Accessories are considered an important detail. No need to negatively relate to the installation of vases in your rooms, large sizes and the most original shapes, you do not need to be afraid to decorate the walls with a variety of “not always clear” hanging panels.